smb - Jumping devices - Practical Handbook

06 Combination of small jumping devices A combination of small jumping devices is possible, but if necessary the falling space must be adjusted. If the safety area (= 1.50 m all around the perimeter of the jumping area) of a trampoline extends into the jumping area of an adjacent device, all jumping areas are counted as one. A combination whose total jumping area exceeds the treshold of 1.44 m² requires the falling space of a large jumping device (= 2.00 m all around the perimeter of the jumping area). In order not to exceed the total jumping area of 1.44 m² and thereby plan for a falling area of 1.50 m all around the perimeter of the jumping area, you can place for example two trampolines S from our trampoline family next to each other. In combinations of small jumping devices, the falling spaces are allowed to overlap. 1.50 m 2.00 m <1.50 m 1.13 m² + 1.13 m² = 2.26 m² 1.50 m 1.50 m 1.50 m colortramp® double-fun S 0.56 m² + 0.56 m² = 1.12 m²

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